Books and Hetty

Hi everyone,

It’s Hetty not Daisy, as my human mummy is poorly, I keep indicating I want to come and love her and give her cuddles to make her feel better – but as she is very caring – she will not let me near her.  Apparently parrots can catch human colds so she is keeping her distance.

Despite the fact that it is “0” degrees outside, I have just taken a bath in the nice clean cage – mummy not pleased.  I only like bathing in my water bowl which is supposed to be for drinking.  Lots of parrots do this!!  My dearly beloved departed brother Ruffles the cockatiel used to like being sprayed so it was like rain drops.  He would stretch out his wings and turn his head to get as wet as possible.

bathing hetty

Mummy is curled up in her chair reading a book (when I am not typing this), trying to reach another one of her goals.  A selection of books below:

books i am reading

Well that’s all for now, keep warm and safe


Hetty and Daisy


4 thoughts on “Books and Hetty

  1. I hope your human mummy gets to feeling better soon. It’s good of you to make a post for her.
    Thanks for sharing your bath and the memories of your bro Ruffles. I know you miss him dearly.


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