SAL Update -Seasonal Quilt

Hi Everybody

It has been another busy week, both at paid work and on the sewing front.  Three weeks ago I debuted my Seasonal Quilt and now I have been busy sewing lots of white hexagons and have decided how I want the corner sections to look.  I have also sewn together the spring border sections

top border

This is not complete, just sewn in sections – three white and coloured centre.

This is how the bottom and side border will look

side border

bottom border

And this is the roughly laid out idea for my corner section

corner section

I think that I need to add one more layer of white along the top and bottom edges, so that when I add the binding it doesn’t cut off any coloured sections.  Does that make sense or has any body got a better idea?

Well that is all for this post, please pop along to the other group members to see what they have created.

Anyone who would like to join our group can contact Avis the first name in the list below.  Thanks again for reading.


18 thoughts on “SAL Update -Seasonal Quilt

  1. Lovely hexies! I think another row of white hexies so your binding doesn’t cut off the colored hexies is a good idea!


      1. We post every three weeks, which happens to be the week after the SAL. Tomorrow there will be lots of posts, you’ll see Sharon and me as well as others. Take a look, and then let me know either in the commits, or pop me an email


  2. Oh, I admire your patience! This is going to be a wonderful quilt. I agree with another row of white hexis on the border. You certainly don’t want to cut off any of your lovely work.


  3. I think you’re right to add a row of white so you don’t lose any of the colored border hexies. But I’ve never made a hexie quilt so don’t take my word for it! This is looking good; I hope you continue to enjoy the process!


  4. These are so striking with the whites and bold colours. Yes, try not to lose any of the colours if you can avoid it. I have papers for making hexies and one of these days, I will jump in!


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